Abstracts Submission is closed. Thank you for your interest.

A. Important Information

1. If you are submitting more than one abstract you can use the same email address and password log-in for each abstract.

2. Abstracts are required for all papers and posters. Abstracts MUST be submitted online.

3. Text must be in single line spacing.

All abstracts should be completed and submitted by Friday 10 December, 2021

B. Guidelines for Preparing your Abstract

1. A “blind” review process will be used. Therefore please do not include authors or affiliations within your abstract document. The names of authors and their affiliations (institutions) will be submitted during the online submission process.

2. The abstract title should be typed in the “Title” box on the template, in UPPER CASE and in bold type.

3. The title should be as brief as possible, should not end with a full stop and should not include abbreviations.

4. The abstract body text should then be typed or pasted into the “Abstract” box in the template, but please do not type "abstract" at the start of the main abstract body.

5. All paragraphs should be blocked (i.e. first line not indented) and fully justified. There is no need to leave a blank line between paragraphs.

6. Times New Roman font in 10 pt size and single line spacing should be used throughout the document.

It is mandatory to conform to this structure of the abstract.

Background: state why the study was done, the main aim and the nature of the study (randomized clinical trial, retrospective review, experimental study, etc.). Method: describe patients, laboratory material and other methods used. Results: state the main findings, including important numerical values. Conclusion: state the main conclusions, highlighting controversial or unexpected observations

7. Abstracts without a figure may be up to 250 words long (to include the title and main body text).

8. Use standard abbreviations where appropriate in the main body of the abstract. Place special or unusual abbreviations in brackets after the full word the first time it appears.

9. Drugs should be referred to by their approved name rather than their proprietary name.

10. The language of the conference is English and all abstracts should be prepared in English.

11. Criteria for rejection will include lack of data and lack of originality. Do not use phrases such as "the results will be discussed".

12. Whilst it is possible for an author/presenter to submit more than one abstract, these abstracts should be obviously and significantly distinct from one another, in order to merit acceptance in their own right. Closely related results from the same study should be restricted to one abstract.

13. All abstract authors are required to submit a statement of any potential conflicting interests as part of the abstract submission process. This statement will be printed in the abstract book as submitted, should be included on accepted posters and as a slide for accepted oral presenters. Provision of this declaration will be a condition of presenting at the event.

C. The Submission Process

1. Submitting a new abstract

1. Log in to the submission system when your abstract is completed and ready to send. To log in, go to the ESES 2022 website and follow the links to the online abstract form.

2. When you click the “log in” button, you will be taken to a screen from which the submission process starts. Please read the instructions on this screen carefully. If you have not yet submitted an abstract to the system you should click the link that says “Click here to submit a new abstract”. Then enter your email address and choose a password.

3. Submitting an abstract is a multi-step process. Each step asks several questions:

  • Step 1: complete your demographic details
  • Step 2: enter abstract title, text, authors and affiliations – please use the following headings introduction/methods/results/conclusion to submit your abstract
  • Step 3: review your submission and submit

Please note that only upon successful completion of your abstract submission will you receive an automated email. If this is not received then please contact [email protected]

2. Amending a submission

You will be able to log in to amend your abstract up to the abstract submission deadline date of 17.00 hours (GMT) Friday 10 December, 2021.

3. Withdrawing an abstract

If you want to withdraw an abstract please contact Nicola Hardaker at Hg3 Conferences, [email protected]

Abstract acceptance and presentation

1. Authors will be notified of the status of their abstract by 7 February, 2022.

2. Abstracts will be accepted as either a short oral communication to the plenary audience or as a poster presentation.

3. The presenting author must register to attend the conference as a condition of acceptance.

Abstract Enquiries – please contact:
Tel: +44 (0) 1423 529333 Email: [email protected]

Important Dates

Congress Dates: 26-28 May 2022

Early Bird Registration: 28 February 2022

Abstract submission opening: 1 September 2021

Abstract submission deadline: 10 December 2021

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  29. https://www.eses2022.org/
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